My mission is to champion the rights and well-being of every Kansan by safeguarding fundamental freedoms and fostering equal opportunities. I am dedicated to protecting reproductive rights, supporting our LGBTQ+ community, defending voting rights, and building common sense drug laws.

I will support working families through Medicaid expansion, increased investment in childcare, and rejecting unfair tax cuts that benefit the wealthy.

By investing in our state’s future, we commit to repairing outdated infrastructure, fully funding public and special education, and expanding broadband access to rural communities. Together, we can build a stronger, more inclusive Kansas for all.

Help for Working Families

Growing up in a large, working class family, I understand the importance of services to help families thrive. As your representative, I will work to create legislation that will:

  • Expand Medicaid

  • Invest in childcare

  • Expand child care tax credits

  • Reject Republican tax cuts for the Koch family

Invest in Kansans

Kansas is one of the most beautiful and diverse states in our nation, and I will work to continue to make it a great place. I’ll be working to:

  • Repair Kansas’ outdated infrastructure

  • Fully fund public education and special education

  • Expand rural access to broadband

  • Create common sense reform of drug laws

Protect Your Rights

Our choices belong to us. Our legislators should not be making medical and social decisions for us. Once elected, my priorities will be to:

  • Protect Reproductive Freedoms

  • Defend Voting Rights

  • Keep IVF Legal

  • Support the LGBTQ+ Community


Feel free to contact me with any questions.
